People and food always seem to show up just when we need it, and I’ve become a firm believer in this gospel that is somehow always more than enough.
I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books.
All in Blueprint 58
People and food always seem to show up just when we need it, and I’ve become a firm believer in this gospel that is somehow always more than enough.
This is only a small portion of the several-dumpster-fulls of stuff, of history, we already cleaned out from this space.
We are building on what has gone before us.
“Things take the time they take. Don’t worry.” - Mary Oliver
I am impatient. I suppose this is partly my personality and partly a result of living in an era of microwaveable, uploadable, instant-everything.
I wanted to take a minute and invite all of you, my friends across the oceans and around the corner, to be a part of our vision - to build something beautiful alongside us. To build community and relationships. To build hope and grace and a deep belief in second chances. And third chances and forth ones. To build a movement of neighbors and friends who believe the creation of a place more beautiful and hopeful is not only possible, but something we can all play a role in creating.
There are days when the sun shines, and times when the rain falls in heavy drops. But our worth isn't in dramatic transformation as much as it is the faithfulness of loving relentlessly. . .
After church on Sunday, we will leave with nine high school boys to take them to the beach. For us at Blueprint, this beach trip represents far more than a simple vacation . . .
I feel such a sense of awe at the holiness of relationships forged across every boundary. I thought I'd share with you 10 lessons I have learned about why relationships matter, drawing us closer to Jesus and making our hearts more like His.
I think of holding my two-year-old in front of middle schoolers who have poor prefrontal cortex development, and also guns. I question all my life choices and tremble slightly at how things might have gone differently.
Sometimes, dreams feel closer then I ever imagined they might. And still, the work is hard and the way seems long. But we are taking both baby and big steps towards big moves and changes, including a community center in our neighborhood and a story that has been germinating in my heart for years.