

I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

A Prayer of Confession

A Prayer of Confession

Dear Lord,

We come before you this morning to confess that we are sinners in need of your grace. Even just this week, Lord, we have given into fear. We have chosen to do things our own way rather than seeking you first. We have refused to forgive those who wronged us, refused to forgive ourselves. We have chosen division over unity, comfort over obedience. We have held grudges and made snap judgements. We have walked away from opportunities to share your grace.

As we begin the new year with resolutions and goals and gym memberships, Lord, we confess that we have believed we can do it all ourselves. We strive in our own strength to fix and change ourselves, while you invite us to come exactly as we are. Lord, show us how we can grow this year in grace and forgiveness, in self-discipline and joy. Reveal how we can root our lives in you so that we will flourish this year, that our lives might bear the fruits of your spirit.

When we are weary, Lord, remind us to rest in you. When we are afraid, help us remember to cast our anxieties on you. Thank you for the gifts you give us, again and again, even though we daily fall woefully short. We have allowed frustrations and hardships to whisper the lies that you aren’t really good. Instead, Father, remind us that the darkest places are our best chances to find your light.

Thank you for bringing us together here this morning, thank you for providing this space and community. Thank you for the ways you bring your Kingdom through your people. Let us be Kingdom-bringers as we go out from this place this morning and this year. Fill us with your grace and love so that we might in turn share those gifts with everyone we encounter.


One Word for 2019: Renew

One Word for 2019: Renew

On Writing Memoir

On Writing Memoir