Yesterday, we took Caden back to Children's at Egleston to see his surgeon for his first follow-up appointment. He had an x-ray and then met with his surgeon, Dr. Kanter. Dr. Kanter said that everything looked great! His x-ray was clear, his incision is healing well, his echo looked good, and everything appears to be going as well as it could possibly be going. Dr. Kanter pointed out that Caden's surgery was one of the more major surgeries they do at Children's, and he was pleased with how well he was doing considering that he had such major surgery. They even said that Caden can hopefully be off his feeding tube in a week or two! They also said that they are hopeful that his next surgery wont be for another 5 years at least. We go see Caden's cardiologist next week, and they will continue to monitor that left ventricle and see how that progresses and what that means for future surgeries.

For some reason, I feel reluctant to say that God has miraculously healed our son. Maybe it's because I don't know, for sure, that he's "better." Or I'm scared that something will still go wrong. . . Regardless of my own fears and doubts, however, the truth is that God deserves all the glory for the things He has already done to heal Caden's heart. The fact that Caden is home with us, that he is snuggled in our arms, that the doctors are pleased with his progress . . . that's a miracle. And we are thankful and joyful in knowing that our prayers, and y'alls prayers, have been answered. And we have to have faith that they will continue to be answered each step of the way.

"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness." - Psalm 30:11
We are truly moved to tears every time we think about the powerful impact that Caden's life has already had on so many people. We are honored and blessed and humbled that we get to be a part of his life, that we have the privilege of being entrusted with his life. I am blown away by the number of people who are praying for Caden's healing and for our peace and comfort, who have seen their prayers answered, and their faith renewed. Every note and email y'all send is balm for our souls, and I only wish I could sit down and thank each and every one of you over diet coke and cheese dip. Because the truth is that Adam and I are nothing special. God gets all the glory for the ways He is using Caden's special heart to change hearts all over the world.
Yesterday at Caden's doctor's appointment, the nurse practitioner who works with Dr. Kanter told Adam that someone at her church sent her our blog, and she has been praying for Caden, without even knowing that he was/is one of her patients! What a mighty God we serve that He works diligently to cover us with His grace, even in the smallest details! So thank you for sharing Caden's story, and we hope you will continue to do so as he recovers.

The doctor told us that "just living" is exercise for our little guy right now. He breaths faster and his heart works harder as it tries to heal and adapt. So continue to pray that with each beat, his heart will be healed and strengthened. Caden has also been having some reflux issues (they told us that most heart babies do because of all the tubes, medications etc), so please pray that he wont be in any more pain - poor little man has been through enough already! And, most importantly, pray with thanksgiving and tell people about the wonders that God is doing in and through Caden's little tiny heart.
For some reason, I feel reluctant to say that God has miraculously healed our son. Maybe it's because I don't know, for sure, that he's "better." Or I'm scared that something will still go wrong. . . Regardless of my own fears and doubts, however, the truth is that God deserves all the glory for the things He has already done to heal Caden's heart. The fact that Caden is home with us, that he is snuggled in our arms, that the doctors are pleased with his progress . . . that's a miracle. And we are thankful and joyful in knowing that our prayers, and y'alls prayers, have been answered. And we have to have faith that they will continue to be answered each step of the way.
"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness." - Psalm 30:11
We are truly moved to tears every time we think about the powerful impact that Caden's life has already had on so many people. We are honored and blessed and humbled that we get to be a part of his life, that we have the privilege of being entrusted with his life. I am blown away by the number of people who are praying for Caden's healing and for our peace and comfort, who have seen their prayers answered, and their faith renewed. Every note and email y'all send is balm for our souls, and I only wish I could sit down and thank each and every one of you over diet coke and cheese dip. Because the truth is that Adam and I are nothing special. God gets all the glory for the ways He is using Caden's special heart to change hearts all over the world.
Yesterday at Caden's doctor's appointment, the nurse practitioner who works with Dr. Kanter told Adam that someone at her church sent her our blog, and she has been praying for Caden, without even knowing that he was/is one of her patients! What a mighty God we serve that He works diligently to cover us with His grace, even in the smallest details! So thank you for sharing Caden's story, and we hope you will continue to do so as he recovers.
The doctor told us that "just living" is exercise for our little guy right now. He breaths faster and his heart works harder as it tries to heal and adapt. So continue to pray that with each beat, his heart will be healed and strengthened. Caden has also been having some reflux issues (they told us that most heart babies do because of all the tubes, medications etc), so please pray that he wont be in any more pain - poor little man has been through enough already! And, most importantly, pray with thanksgiving and tell people about the wonders that God is doing in and through Caden's little tiny heart.