I don't have a lot of words today. We are enjoying being with our boy, slightly terrified by all the medical stuff we have to learn in order to take care of him on our own, and hopeful that we might be getting to go home as soon as tomorrow!!! But I learned my lesson about getting my hopes up about when things will happen, and we are learning (again) that everything will happen only in the Lord's perfect timing.

Seriously, this is my favorite picture ever.
And just so we will always remember our little guy with his stitches and pacemaker . . . remember and marvel at all the miracles God did to heal sweet Caden's heart. And one day, we are praying we will be able to say that his heart has been completely healed, with no more fears of future surgeries, limitations, or complications.
"Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.” Deut 33:12
Be warned, these next ones are about the sweetest pictures ever - they might make you cry. Or maybe that was just me. Jayci is such a great big sister already, and my heart could not have been happier to see my two little loves together.
Here, Jayci is telling her daddy "no daddy, I got this." Do you see the look she's giving him? Intense.

Here, Jayci is telling her daddy "no daddy, I got this." Do you see the look she's giving him? Intense.
Seriously, this is my favorite picture ever.
And just so we will always remember our little guy with his stitches and pacemaker . . . remember and marvel at all the miracles God did to heal sweet Caden's heart. And one day, we are praying we will be able to say that his heart has been completely healed, with no more fears of future surgeries, limitations, or complications.
"Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.” Deut 33:12