Radical Generosity
This weekend, I offered y'all a little glimpse into the fears, and frankly the jealousy, I had discovered lurking in my heart. We decided that the cure for living anxiously orientated towards scarcity is relentless generosity. So today, I wanted to share a little bit about a few Atlanta area nonprofits and organizations I think you should consider supporting or getting involved with. See, I have to remind myself periodically that we are all working towards a common good of making Atlanta a more beautiful and hospitable place, and that more for them doesn't mean less for us. I will keep sharing my talents and treasure with the people around us who are doing good hard work, who are shifting their lives and our city towards beauty and reconciliation. In addition, these are nonprofits that I have offered my photography to support. If you have a nonprofit that you would like me to help out with photos/storytelling, please send me an email!
From the beginning of our time in Atlanta, FCS Ministries has been one of our very favorite places. We have meetings at their Community Grounds coffee shop, buy groceries at Carver Market, and never miss an opportunity to learn from the amazing and groundbreaking ways they are doing community development. Learn more about the work that FCS is doing in South Atlanta on their website, and read their founder Bob Lupton's book, Theirs is the Kingdom - it's one of my favorites!
Peace Prep Academy is the school I told you about in my last post. Some of the kiddos we have known and loved for many years (ok fine, since they were born, not that we're old) attend school here, and we agree whole-heartedly with their model and vision for loving the space they are planted. Quality education and wrap-around support make Peace Prep a unique and beautiful option for kids in the English Avenue neighborhood.
Cabbagetown Cleaning Company has been generous enough to come alongside Blueprint 58, and offer employment to two of the girls from our young mother's group. Cabbagetown Cleaning aims to provide safe, encouraging, and sustaining work to women working to better their circumstances, make life transitions, and support themselves and their loved ones.
Until CCC is able to provide fleet cars and vans, and it will be some time, many employees are dependent on rideshare applications to navigate their client list. CCC and BluePrint 58 are setting up an account dedicated solely to transportation for those employees in need. We would be forever grateful if you could set aside any amount to support these hard-working women with a ride or two!
You can send donations through PayPal to nicki@cabbagetowncleaningco.com.
Please add “Transportation” to the notes section so we can route your donation to the correct account.
If you live in the Atlanta area and would rather support our sweet girls by hiring them to clean your house, contact Cabbagetown Cleaning Company! I would love for my friend Nikki to be blessed by a growing company as the fruit of her dedication and commitment to second-chances, and for doing things the harder and more beautiful way with hope.
Finally, I wanted to share a quick list of the amazing (seriously) churches and/or ministries who have football teams in our Five8Football league this year. Visit their websites, and if you are looking for a community to get plugged into, these are all fabulous options.
Also, the championship game was rained out last night, so you can still join us for our makeup Championship Thursday evening at 6:30pm at Adair Park 1. There will be hot dogs.
Atlanta Leadership Club
Refuge Church
Redeemer Community Church
“The antidote to a scarcity mindset is always radical generosity. For those of us who know in our deepest core that God’s economy upends everything, the way to move past fear and anxious striving is to give more away. To practice the spiritual discipline of sharing our resources and influence and time and talents until we experience afresh the abundance of a God who owns it all anyways. ”