Ok guys, I realize no one actually reads my posts these days, particularly the ones involving links and recommendations. But it's impossible for me to stop, because when I find something I love, I feel like it's not enough for me to text a couple people and tell them: listen to _____ asap, or watch _____ immediately. All that to say, sorry not sorry. And here's some of my favorite things I've been reading/watching/listening to lately.
First off, if I've said it once, I'll say it a million times -- preorder my girl Shannan's book today. Even my friend Father Boyle recommends it, which is basically the highest praise I can imagine.

Adam and I just finished watching the docs-series Last Chance U on Netflix. You guys, I cannot think of something else I watched recently that made me so happy/sad/entertained all at once. Granted, all the players at this community college reminded me exactly of every single one of our boys, and I want to be Ms. Wagner forever. Also, we watched and loved Stranger Things, but I'm assuming all of you already know about that one!

Malcom Gladwell has a new(-ish) podcast called Revisionist History. Right after I listened to an episode called Carlos Doesn't Remember, I immediately texted some of my favorite folks and told them to listen asap. So consider this your text from me -- listen to this episode. I also loved the recent episode of On Being (always one of my favs), with Ruby Sales (the episode is called Where Does it Hurt?)
As far as books go, I have been reading like crazy lately. Consider it my healthy(-ish) form of escapism from life when its too insane (read: always). Anyways, I've read a few that I loved and wanted to pass along those recommendations to you. I started off by reading Jesmyn Ward's memoir, Men We Reaped, and I loved it so much that I immediately ordered all her other books from the library and read them all in quick succession. They were amazing, although her memoir voice is still my favorite. I think her words are beautiful and inspiring and hard and necessary and important. Highly recommend.
Finally, I sent an email newsletter with an update (well, as much of an update as we have) on Lee and also the latest details on Caden. If you're interested, you can sign up here (also, we have a meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday to discuss details and timeline and all the risks etc, would love you guys to cover that time in prayer).
First off, if I've said it once, I'll say it a million times -- preorder my girl Shannan's book today. Even my friend Father Boyle recommends it, which is basically the highest praise I can imagine.
Adam and I just finished watching the docs-series Last Chance U on Netflix. You guys, I cannot think of something else I watched recently that made me so happy/sad/entertained all at once. Granted, all the players at this community college reminded me exactly of every single one of our boys, and I want to be Ms. Wagner forever. Also, we watched and loved Stranger Things, but I'm assuming all of you already know about that one!
Malcom Gladwell has a new(-ish) podcast called Revisionist History. Right after I listened to an episode called Carlos Doesn't Remember, I immediately texted some of my favorite folks and told them to listen asap. So consider this your text from me -- listen to this episode. I also loved the recent episode of On Being (always one of my favs), with Ruby Sales (the episode is called Where Does it Hurt?)
As far as books go, I have been reading like crazy lately. Consider it my healthy(-ish) form of escapism from life when its too insane (read: always). Anyways, I've read a few that I loved and wanted to pass along those recommendations to you. I started off by reading Jesmyn Ward's memoir, Men We Reaped, and I loved it so much that I immediately ordered all her other books from the library and read them all in quick succession. They were amazing, although her memoir voice is still my favorite. I think her words are beautiful and inspiring and hard and necessary and important. Highly recommend.
Finally, I sent an email newsletter with an update (well, as much of an update as we have) on Lee and also the latest details on Caden. If you're interested, you can sign up here (also, we have a meeting with the surgeon on Wednesday to discuss details and timeline and all the risks etc, would love you guys to cover that time in prayer).