One of my goals for 2016 is to write more. I am very good at writing goals because I know they should be specific and measurable and attainable. So "write more" seems legit.
All that to say, here's a quick look back at 2015 and some of my favorite posts, pictures, and other fun from the past year.
Five of my favorite posts from this space over the past year (it turns out I didn't write all that much this year. Whoops):
Dry Bones
Letting Things Go
Intentional Neighboring: Part 1 and Part 2
The Upward Mobility of a Neighborhood
I spent the first part of the year stuck in pregnant nausea, and I can scarcely remember anything but my bed and the toilet for the first seven months of the year. I do remember (vaguely) Easter, and one of my favorite pictures ever of my two biggest.

Obviously, welcoming Isaiah was the highlight of our whole year. It's hard to believe he's already rounding the corner on five months old, and nearly half a year of sweet Zay in our lives.
Five of my favorite posts from this space over the past year (it turns out I didn't write all that much this year. Whoops):
Dry Bones
Letting Things Go
Intentional Neighboring: Part 1 and Part 2
The Upward Mobility of a Neighborhood
I spent the first part of the year stuck in pregnant nausea, and I can scarcely remember anything but my bed and the toilet for the first seven months of the year. I do remember (vaguely) Easter, and one of my favorite pictures ever of my two biggest.
Obviously, welcoming Isaiah was the highlight of our whole year. It's hard to believe he's already rounding the corner on five months old, and nearly half a year of sweet Zay in our lives.
We are adjusting to life with three kids, because we want to enjoy them each as individuals as well as a sibling group of mass chaos (this one was a favorite shot of the three of my lovelies via instagram).
We did ministry this year, even adding a few people to our Blueprint 58 team. We are grateful especially that we got to take Zack skiing in Colorado with the whole fam (which he is obviously very much a part of!)
Spending some quiet and beautiful days in the mountains was a good way for us to end this crazy year, and we are hoping for more peace and sabbath in the year ahead.
A few more favorites from the year:
*book - Wanted - Chris Hoke
*movie - Saint Vincent (weird choice maybe, but this one really stuck with me!)
*tv show - The Good Wife (I will forever associate this series with this year and watching while pregnant and eating cheese and crackers late at night. As a side note, I don't love this latest season so far).
*podcast - The Big Magic Podcasts by Elizabeth Gilbert (I enjoyed these podcasts more than the book, although I liked that too!)
*music - Anything Lauren Daigle sings (her voice is ridiculous).
Happy New Year to all of you. I am grateful for you guys and the ways you love and encourage me, even when I'm notoriously bad at posting regularly or responding to emails, or answering my phone. Sorry!
Also, I am thinking I might (possibly) choose a word for 2016 . . . try not to hold your breath waiting to hear what it is.