I have unfortunately been spending some extra time in courthouses and trying to navigate jail mail and visitation without appearing too clueless (I am), so I've been reading and thinking through some things about prison/jail/sentencing etc over the last few weeks. I just finished reading Chasing the Scream, which takes a look at the War on Drugs. It was fascinating, whether or not I agreed completely with all the conclusions ultimately drawn.
A few more articles that caught my eye surrounding prison and pipelines and systems and actual humans caught in the middle of it all:
A Lament for Sandra Bland and For Me - Red Letter Christians
From a First Arrest to a Life Sentence - The Washington Post
Broken Taillight Policing - The Slate
Born Suspect - Sojourners
Also, did anyone see that Obama visited a federal prison, making him the first ever president to do so? (side note: this seems unbelievable to me, how have no presidents ever visited a federal prison before now?)
President Barack Obama Visits El Reno Federal Correctional Ins...
President Barack Obama became the first president to visit a federal prison on Thursday, touring the El Reno Federal Correctional Institution in Oklahoma.
I also just started reading Go Set a Watchman, and really loved my friend Megan's thoughts on Why You Should Still Read Go Set a Watchman over at Sarah Bessey's blog. I can think of few things more complicated than racial reconciliation and attitudes surrounded these issues, so I think complications raised by this book only make the whole thing more real. 
A few more good reads:
What if Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?
I, Racist
The Rule of Life - DL Mayfield
Tell Me What To Do - Austin Channing
And this music video from Gungor: I love it.
Light - Official Music Video
Introducing our homemade video of "Light." With moments from Lucie's birth and love sent from all around the world the night before her second heart surgery.
Posted by Gungor