We have been to see our lovely pediatric cardiologist twice in the last four days. I really do mean it when I say lovely, he's seriously just the best. Caden's six-month check-up went just about as well as we could hope for, and he was cleared for another six months until his next appointment. Then today, we had another appointment to take a peek at the heart of the littlest Stanley. And the verdict was that his heart looks magnificent, which was more than a relief. I'm not sure I realized how deeply I was holding my breath.

For those of you who have asked, no we dont have a name for our newest little bundle yet. So far, our naming has consisted of Adam throwing out names and me rejecting them. Dont worry, eventually he'll stumble upon one I actually like.

We are already two games into our 2015 Five8Football season (our community-based football league). I already told you about how, for us, football is about far more than just football. I continue to be thankful for the people who help make Tuesday night games a possibility. From all the boys, to the coaches, to the cute little cheerleaders (Blueprint 58 mentees), and all the churches and neighborhoods who are playing a part. If you're in Atlanta and want to join us for a Tuesday night game, we would love to have you!
I am currently breezing through All 3 books by Atlanta author Tayari Jones, which fascinate me because they are all based right around where we live here in Southwest Atlanta. Leaving Atlanta was my favorite of the three, because somehow I had never even heard of the Atlanta Child Murders of 1979.

Other books I finished reading lately (starred ones = I loved them).
-The Taste of Salt by Martha Southgate
*Freeman by Leonard Pitts
-The Personal History of Rachel DuPree by Ann Weisgarber
-Before I Forget by Leonard Pitts
*A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel
Normally, while I read through my fiction quickly, I am also reading some non-fiction books more slowly. Typically, these are the kind of things I feel like need time to sink into my heart. Currently, that book is Brene Brown's I Thought It Was Just Me. When I'm finished with that one, I'm excited to start Where the Cross Meets the Street by Noel Castellanos.

And I haven't had much time for reading online lately, but here's a few articles that caught my eye this week.
1.5 Million Missing Black Men - The NY Times
Gentrification Stories - You are Here
Gentleness: the Surprise Peacemaker - Sally Clarkson
Tools for the Highly Sensitive Mother - the Runamuck
These two posts, from two of my favorite folks are the kind of "me too" pieces that make me feel not alone.
When Jesus Asks You to Bite off More than You Can Chew - Lori Harris
Grow, Baby - Flowerpatch Farmgirl

That's all for now. I'm hoping I might have a minute to write a little bit this week, but I wouldn't hold my breath because you know, life be crazy around here. I'll leave you with the cutest little best friends in all the land. Seriously.
For those of you who have asked, no we dont have a name for our newest little bundle yet. So far, our naming has consisted of Adam throwing out names and me rejecting them. Dont worry, eventually he'll stumble upon one I actually like.
We are already two games into our 2015 Five8Football season (our community-based football league). I already told you about how, for us, football is about far more than just football. I continue to be thankful for the people who help make Tuesday night games a possibility. From all the boys, to the coaches, to the cute little cheerleaders (Blueprint 58 mentees), and all the churches and neighborhoods who are playing a part. If you're in Atlanta and want to join us for a Tuesday night game, we would love to have you!
I am currently breezing through All 3 books by Atlanta author Tayari Jones, which fascinate me because they are all based right around where we live here in Southwest Atlanta. Leaving Atlanta was my favorite of the three, because somehow I had never even heard of the Atlanta Child Murders of 1979.
Other books I finished reading lately (starred ones = I loved them).
-The Taste of Salt by Martha Southgate
*Freeman by Leonard Pitts
-The Personal History of Rachel DuPree by Ann Weisgarber
-Before I Forget by Leonard Pitts
*A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel
Normally, while I read through my fiction quickly, I am also reading some non-fiction books more slowly. Typically, these are the kind of things I feel like need time to sink into my heart. Currently, that book is Brene Brown's I Thought It Was Just Me. When I'm finished with that one, I'm excited to start Where the Cross Meets the Street by Noel Castellanos.
And I haven't had much time for reading online lately, but here's a few articles that caught my eye this week.
1.5 Million Missing Black Men - The NY Times
Gentrification Stories - You are Here
Gentleness: the Surprise Peacemaker - Sally Clarkson
Tools for the Highly Sensitive Mother - the Runamuck
These two posts, from two of my favorite folks are the kind of "me too" pieces that make me feel not alone.
When Jesus Asks You to Bite off More than You Can Chew - Lori Harris
Grow, Baby - Flowerpatch Farmgirl
That's all for now. I'm hoping I might have a minute to write a little bit this week, but I wouldn't hold my breath because you know, life be crazy around here. I'll leave you with the cutest little best friends in all the land. Seriously.