One thing I'd forgotten about my pregnancies, particularly the first trimester, is how completely zapping they are. Constant nausea and the inability to keep even a single meal down, combined with normal first-trimester exhaustion makes for a lack of energy that borders on alarming. For lives like ours, involving lots of children and neighbors and shared meals and messes, it feels insurmountable.
Now, I realize most of my social media lately has been mostly whining about how horrid I feel, and I've been trying really hard to avoid that. I know first-hand that pregnancy can be fraught with lots of emotions for other women who wish they were mommas, or who have lost babies, or who were thrown for a loop after birth like we were with Caden. Anyways, all that to say, I've been quiet around here lately because sometimes, like my mom always told me: if you can't say something nice, say nothing.

That said, I really would like to use this space to continue to document our lives, and particularly the life and arrival of our third little one. A friend asked me if I had done baby books for our two little ones, and i realized I kind of did one for Jayci, but not Caden. Mostly, I just printed out the blog into a book, which then served as a great documentation of all their firsts and lasts and everything in-between.

So here's a quick (and incomplete) catch up on the 365-project I couldn't quite seem to get a hold of this year. Also, I will not be doing it again in 2014 as evidenced by the fact that today is the 13th of January and I have yet to take a single picture this year with my "real" camera. Oh well.
Now, I realize most of my social media lately has been mostly whining about how horrid I feel, and I've been trying really hard to avoid that. I know first-hand that pregnancy can be fraught with lots of emotions for other women who wish they were mommas, or who have lost babies, or who were thrown for a loop after birth like we were with Caden. Anyways, all that to say, I've been quiet around here lately because sometimes, like my mom always told me: if you can't say something nice, say nothing.
That said, I really would like to use this space to continue to document our lives, and particularly the life and arrival of our third little one. A friend asked me if I had done baby books for our two little ones, and i realized I kind of did one for Jayci, but not Caden. Mostly, I just printed out the blog into a book, which then served as a great documentation of all their firsts and lasts and everything in-between.
So here's a quick (and incomplete) catch up on the 365-project I couldn't quite seem to get a hold of this year. Also, I will not be doing it again in 2014 as evidenced by the fact that today is the 13th of January and I have yet to take a single picture this year with my "real" camera. Oh well.
Thanks also for all your kind words and congratulations/encouragement/prayers on the third little Stanley kiddo. I am declaring myself officially in thank-you note bankruptcy for 2015. I'm going to have to make a fresh start, because I certainly cannot keep up with all the thank-yous I currently owe to all of you who have sent us gifts, notes, books, encouragement, and support over the past year. I think I'd have to write approximately 978 to catch up. Sigh. Please know that we are so grateful, and constantly talk about how amazing people are at being life-lines for us. Seriously. Thank-you.
In other news, the Anteaters basketball season kicks off this week, which means I'm extra exhausted from all-the-boys, and also we have no food left in the house. Anyways, if you want to come cheer on the Anteaters, the schedule will be posted on the Blueprint58 Facebook page. We'd love to have you, and the boys always love a fan club. I'm also working on an update regarding the library, and we're hosting an evening later this month for dinner and a chat about intentional neighboring. Stay tuned for details and sign-up information. We'd love to have all of you (don't worry, Adam will cook).
Also, Ashton started college this week and I simply could not be more proud. Seriously.