What I should be doing: packing. What I'm doing instead: editing pictures until sweet forever. Sheesh.

Tomorrow we leave for our highly anticipated trip to the Dominican Republic with the whole family (us and our kids, my sisters and their other halves, and my parents). Do you notice the best part about that list? Our kids are the only children, which means many hands makes light work. And I might even get to read a book or two.
That said, I am currently tragically unable to locate my kindle. I have been buying/finding lots of actual books lately so I can add them to the library; however, I always like to have the kindle along when I travel (which is rarely) so that I will never be suddenly and terribly book-less.
Here are the books I'm bringing for reading on the airplane and by the pool/beach (sigh, I cannot wait for this. seriously. i'm about to be as bad as Caden who has thrown approximately seventy-eight temper tantrums today because he wants to go the beach RIGHT NOW):
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore - Robin Sloan
A Lesson Before Dying - Gaines
How to be a Woman - Caitlin Moran
Yes, Please - Amy Poehler
not in my suitcase: Cold Tangerines -- one of the casualties of reading everything too quickly.
Speaking of flying, we flew kites in the part the other day. I was hoping for blue skies with those white kites; but it turns out my children (and the neighborhood kiddos) could care less about such things.
Caden, full-on temper-trantrum mode right here. He wanted to go home immediately.