In just a few days, Adam and I (and a few friends) are headed to CCDA in Raleigh. We are pretty excited about connecting with other people who are doing urban ministry and to learn and grow in what we are doing here in Atlanta. Last year's CCDA conference resulted in us starting our own football league, so I'm also a little nervous to see what comes out of this year. A short week means I need to do things like clean the house before the in-laws stay here with the kids, and also pack and organize things in some semblance for while we are away.
Anyways, a few good reads from around the internets to get your week off to a great start.
Who gets to graduate - NY Times
The Racial Parenting Divide - Salon
Cradle-to-Prison vs. Kindergarten-to-Graduation - Sojourners
Also, I've already been obsessed with Humans of NY for quite some time now, but currently he's doing a world tour. Y'all, every single picture is beautiful and moving and the words? incredible. Seriously, you should comb through them. I mean it.

Thoughts on Writing - Shauna Niequist
15 Career Tips from Smart Women - A Cup of Jo
"I have a feeling that the kind of parent we are will always mirror how we believe God sees us." Yup. This (from Micha Boyett for A Deeper Story.
How to Talk to Your Own Soul - the Runamuck
The Book - DL Mayfield

In book form, I just finished this book and adored it: These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, and started this one: Jesus Feminist - Sarah Bessey
In other news, is anyone else doing 31 Days in October? Last year I did 31 Days of Listening, and the year before I did 31 Days of Margin. Any ideas for what I might/should write about if (if) I decide to participate?

Anyways, a few good reads from around the internets to get your week off to a great start.
Who gets to graduate - NY Times
The Racial Parenting Divide - Salon
Cradle-to-Prison vs. Kindergarten-to-Graduation - Sojourners
Also, I've already been obsessed with Humans of NY for quite some time now, but currently he's doing a world tour. Y'all, every single picture is beautiful and moving and the words? incredible. Seriously, you should comb through them. I mean it.
Thoughts on Writing - Shauna Niequist
15 Career Tips from Smart Women - A Cup of Jo
"I have a feeling that the kind of parent we are will always mirror how we believe God sees us." Yup. This (from Micha Boyett for A Deeper Story.
How to Talk to Your Own Soul - the Runamuck
The Book - DL Mayfield
In book form, I just finished this book and adored it: These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, and started this one: Jesus Feminist - Sarah Bessey
In other news, is anyone else doing 31 Days in October? Last year I did 31 Days of Listening, and the year before I did 31 Days of Margin. Any ideas for what I might/should write about if (if) I decide to participate?