I wrote a letter to Jayci on her first day of kindergarten last week, and so far the number of details I've been able to cajole out of her regarding her new class are: I like everything. So at least that's good. Here's the thing I realize about wisdom and writing words to remind myself that Jayci growing up and walking in new hallways doesn't spell catastrophe: it doesn't make it less hard. The time spins wild and fast and suddenly both of my babies headed to school today (although to be fair, Caden's is mostly just day-care). And that carries both joy and regret. Because I think it's nearly impossible not to feel wistful (or completely verklempt if you're me), at the cheeks that thin from baby-round to toddler-oval shape. It goes quickly, and knowing I cannot enjoy or savor every single moment only makes it that much harder to let go. I'm afraid I've missed something, made a terrible mistake (or seventeen), or responded incorrectly. Hint: I have done all of those things, and it's ok. Because grace.
Anyways, all that to say, I'm feeling both a little sad and a whole lot happy for ALONE time. Tomorrow, I'm even getting my hair-did. True.
For now, some of the reading things from around the inter webs that I've enjoyed over the past week or two.
Poverty -
The Big Rest
When Parenting Feels Like a Fool's Errand

I liked everything I saw on Facebook for 2 days, here's what it did to me
Why Poor Schools Cant Win at Standardized Testing
How Support Raising Keeps Parachurch Ministries White

Your Work Matters
In which God is transforming the world: on hope, Iraq, and everything else
The Deadly Truth About Wild Obedience
Give Me Gratitude or Give Me Debt

"Police will say that the victim is a documented gang member, but that doesn't necessarily mean the shooting was gang-related. Gangs are not basketball teams with rosters. The lines are blurry."What we talk about when we talk about violence in Chicago
We Need New Names
The Secret Keeper
Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration (currently reading this one nice-and-slow, because I'm loving it).
Anyways, all that to say, I'm feeling both a little sad and a whole lot happy for ALONE time. Tomorrow, I'm even getting my hair-did. True.
For now, some of the reading things from around the inter webs that I've enjoyed over the past week or two.
Poverty -
The Big Rest
When Parenting Feels Like a Fool's Errand
I liked everything I saw on Facebook for 2 days, here's what it did to me
Why Poor Schools Cant Win at Standardized Testing
How Support Raising Keeps Parachurch Ministries White
Your Work Matters
In which God is transforming the world: on hope, Iraq, and everything else
The Deadly Truth About Wild Obedience
Give Me Gratitude or Give Me Debt
"Police will say that the victim is a documented gang member, but that doesn't necessarily mean the shooting was gang-related. Gangs are not basketball teams with rosters. The lines are blurry."What we talk about when we talk about violence in Chicago
Before I check in on with my reading list and all-of-the-books I read at the beach, y'all need to watch this. Seriously, just do it. And then help me figure out how I can convince him to join our book club too.
I read a large number of books at the beach this time. Guys, let me remind you I am a freakishly-fast reader. Seriously. Also, please keep in mind that I perhaps already shared a few of these with you when I FIRST got back from the beach, but I cannot stop this train right now to go check and avoid overlap. So my apologies. Also, FYI: these are affiliate links, which simply means if you buy the book using my link, I get a (very small) percentage, which I can use to buy MORE BOOKS (for myself and therefore also for the library: win-win)
The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White MotherWe Need New Names
The Secret Keeper
Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration (currently reading this one nice-and-slow, because I'm loving it).
Adam's hair is impressive, right?
For everyone who has already send me some books, thank-you! Seriously, there are few things that make me feel happier than opening up a package from sweet friends (many of whom I haven't even actually met), with beautiful books for the kiddos. I'm so excited about it, and for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about: The library
Also, this happened (Adam's little sister got engaged - hooray!)
These boys came in (mainly for snacking purposes) after school, and found my children watching Wall-E. They joined, and immediately all fell dead-asleep on the couch. I loved it.