"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." ~ MLK
Today was one of those days both lazy and busy, crowded and sparse. Finally now, both kids have grown quiet in their respective rooms. Adam and I sit book-ended on the couch, laps topped with our laptops. We eat ice cream from the carton with spoons, while Adam watches videos of figure skating. In other words, I have a minute before midnight/bedtime, so I thought I'd share a quick 365 update (along with some links I loved this week).

Ann Voskamp for Catalyst, The Cure for Burnout - "The only way to lead a symphony is to turn your back to the crown, the critics, the court."
In Which I Disagree with Candace Cameron Bure about "Biblical Marriage" - Sarah Bessey
Save Your Relationships - ask the right questions - Momastery

Oh Honey! Come Here, I Think Your Privilege is Showing (from one of my favorite new-to-me-blogs) Shalom in the City (Osheta Moore)
Faithful Slaves and Fugitive Whites - How do you remember the past? Caris Adel

Today was one of those days both lazy and busy, crowded and sparse. Finally now, both kids have grown quiet in their respective rooms. Adam and I sit book-ended on the couch, laps topped with our laptops. We eat ice cream from the carton with spoons, while Adam watches videos of figure skating. In other words, I have a minute before midnight/bedtime, so I thought I'd share a quick 365 update (along with some links I loved this week).
Flowerpatch Farmgirl (as usual, love this gal) - Why hack schooling isnt the answer for us and 5 ways to support public schools (and why you should)
Ann Voskamp for Catalyst, The Cure for Burnout - "The only way to lead a symphony is to turn your back to the crown, the critics, the court."
In Which I Disagree with Candace Cameron Bure about "Biblical Marriage" - Sarah Bessey
Save Your Relationships - ask the right questions - Momastery
Oh Honey! Come Here, I Think Your Privilege is Showing (from one of my favorite new-to-me-blogs) Shalom in the City (Osheta Moore)
Faithful Slaves and Fugitive Whites - How do you remember the past? Caris Adel
This. Love.
Ransomed Random by Adan Bean from Renovation Church on Vimeo.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life.” – MLK Jr.