The cold seeps through the crack in the door, but I cannot bring myself to get up from under my warm blanket to shut the door more tightly. The space heater blows the room toasty and I lock Maverick in his crate because good-gravy but he drives me crazy with his wanting to go outside all the time. Particularly because he doesnt actually need to go outside and use the bathroom. Nope, he wants to escape the fence and roam the streets in search of chicken bones (which he is certain to find). Y'all, I cant even make this stuff up.
The weather channel warns of snow this afternoon, and I'm surprised they didnt cancel school on the threat. Adam (bless him) took Zack to the gym this morning, then to school. He also picked up another one of our boys who didn't have money for Marta to get to school, and then brought him home and fed him breakfast before bringing him to school as well. And then, he took our kids to school AND promised to pick them up too. Sigh, I knew I married him for a reason (also, because this).
But seriously, Adam's selflessness resulted in hours of uninterrupted alone time for me. And today is quite possibly the best day I've enjoyed in a long time. I'm ignoring the laundry, and the dishes, and every single one of the things I should be doing. And I'm feeding my soul.
Y'all, I highly recommend feeding your souls.
That said, here's a few things I've read/watched/listened-to that have fed my soul today. You're welcome.
Choosing the One You Least Expect (Chatting at the Sky)
Bootstraps and Safety Nets, some thoughts on generational poverty in America (Rachel Held Evans)
Moving Downward, in spite of the safety net (by my amazing friend Annie for D.L. Mayfield)
How to get through the dark places (Holy Experience)
It is expensive to be poor (the Atlantic)
Social Media as Sacrament (Experimental Theology)
On Parenting and Faith and Imperfection
*The sermon I told you about in list week's links, it's available to listen to online now.

Finally, want towaste spend hundreds of minutes feeding your soul? Try The Work of the People. It's my favorite discovery of the day, possibly ever. Want some specific places/videos I particularly loved? Try anything (anything!) by my hero Father Greg Boyle. Especially Kinship and Kingdom. Or All is Grace from Brennan Manning. Or Grace: Past, Present, and Future by another hero (John Perkins).
The weather channel warns of snow this afternoon, and I'm surprised they didnt cancel school on the threat. Adam (bless him) took Zack to the gym this morning, then to school. He also picked up another one of our boys who didn't have money for Marta to get to school, and then brought him home and fed him breakfast before bringing him to school as well. And then, he took our kids to school AND promised to pick them up too. Sigh, I knew I married him for a reason (also, because this).
But seriously, Adam's selflessness resulted in hours of uninterrupted alone time for me. And today is quite possibly the best day I've enjoyed in a long time. I'm ignoring the laundry, and the dishes, and every single one of the things I should be doing. And I'm feeding my soul.
Y'all, I highly recommend feeding your souls.
That said, here's a few things I've read/watched/listened-to that have fed my soul today. You're welcome.
Choosing the One You Least Expect (Chatting at the Sky)
Bootstraps and Safety Nets, some thoughts on generational poverty in America (Rachel Held Evans)
Moving Downward, in spite of the safety net (by my amazing friend Annie for D.L. Mayfield)
How to get through the dark places (Holy Experience)
It is expensive to be poor (the Atlantic)
Social Media as Sacrament (Experimental Theology)
On Parenting and Faith and Imperfection
*The sermon I told you about in list week's links, it's available to listen to online now.
Finally, want to