Thanksgiving, quite frankly, flew past. Even with 3 different celebrations. Suddenly I found myself a few days after stuffing myself with turkey and sweet potatoes, realizing that the calendar had flipped to December and Christmas lays-in-wait just around the corner.
Also, this post on urban education, because I'm a little bit seething over some of the work one of our boys was having to do today for his chemistry class. The level of quality of his education is simply more-than-a-little-unbelievable. Sigh.
On the actual book-side of things, I just finished reading Orphan Train,
and am about mid-way through A Million Little Ways
Adam and I laughed really hard through the last few episodes of Parks and Rec. Ron Swanson is Adam's hero, and he and April tie for my favorites. Also, the latest New Girl was hilarious. Mindy Project never fails to make me happy. And Scandal, obviously.
We are loving (and watching over and over again) Despicable Me 2
. It makes me laugh too, which is a definite bonus. I also loved Catching Fire, and want to take the kids to see Frozen.
And look, a picture with me in it! And Zack photo-bombing. Story of my life. Danielle dyed my hair dark last week, although you cant really tell in this picture because of all the sunshine.
Hastily, we headed with some friends to cut our own Christmas tree. Because lumberjacks, they always cut their own trees. Except it turns out that we live in Georgia, which means that our beloved pine trees don't grow very well here. In fact, most of the trees went beyond Charlie Brown to just sad. And I was down-right grumpy before finally settling on a tree which would be sufficiently full, once shoved back into a corner where at least half would be hidden. The kids didn't care nearly so much as momma did about the tree-quality. Which made me realize (finally) that I should probably just shut my mouth and trim the tree while singing carols and sipping "hot coffee" (as Caden calls hot chocolate). As it turns out, grouchy mommas don't make for happy memories.
So this month I'm into feasting and getting the house all cozied-up and decked-out for the holidays. Also, I'm into this little boy getting a big-boy haircut for the first time. Although it also makes me a little sad. Stop growing already!
A few reads from the inter-webs I've loved this month:
Also, this post on urban education, because I'm a little bit seething over some of the work one of our boys was having to do today for his chemistry class. The level of quality of his education is simply more-than-a-little-unbelievable. Sigh.
On the actual book-side of things, I just finished reading Orphan Train,
Adam and I laughed really hard through the last few episodes of Parks and Rec. Ron Swanson is Adam's hero, and he and April tie for my favorites. Also, the latest New Girl was hilarious. Mindy Project never fails to make me happy. And Scandal, obviously.
We are loving (and watching over and over again) Despicable Me 2
And look, a picture with me in it! And Zack photo-bombing. Story of my life. Danielle dyed my hair dark last week, although you cant really tell in this picture because of all the sunshine.
As a side note to end this post: I know that I said I had come to terms with our scrawny tree. But it turns out that while I was writing this, the tree fell over for the second time. And all Jayci's home-made "cornamants" (as she calls them), broke into little pieces. Along with half our ornaments. So the tree and I are no longer on speaking terms.