Putting words to how many things and people I am thankful for is daunting, perhaps impossible, task. This morning, I got up a little bit early (really really hard for me) to have some time to write and get things ready, since we're supposed to be at a brunch at a church in the neighborhood at 7:30am (we tried to convince some of the boys to come with us, but the 7:30am was a no-go). Then we are heading to Adam's family's house to celebrate Thanksgiving there, after we already had the feast, as well as a Thanksgiving dinner at my parents' house on Tuesday.
All that to say, I'm thankful for meals and thanksgiving and all of the people we have to celebrate with.
For our families, and for the ways they surround and carry us, supporting us fully and welcoming all our kiddos with open arms.
For my sisters, and for the men who love them. Because I also love those guys; which is a gift, right? Also, one of these sisters is a pastry chef and her boyfriend is a sous chef, which means our Thanksgiving was ridiculous-good. I've never seen Zack and Ashton in so much pain from eating too much, and that's saying something since they eat too much on a regular basis.
I'm thankful for these boys and the ways they all stretch my heart and expand my ideas about the world and Jesus and how those two things should work together.
For babies: cute and cuddly and life-giving (also, exhausting). Just try not to fall in love with this little man with those big-old eyes and receding hair-line.
For generations gathered around the table, consuming large amounts of turkey and stuffing and sweet potato casserole. Or just licking the marshmallows off the top.
For this little man and his special heart, for the ways he keeps me on my toes. In so many ways, he has changed my faith and life. And I am thankful beyond measure for every little beat of his unique heart.
All that to say, I'm thankful for meals and thanksgiving and all of the people we have to celebrate with.
For our families, and for the ways they surround and carry us, supporting us fully and welcoming all our kiddos with open arms.
For my sisters, and for the men who love them. Because I also love those guys; which is a gift, right? Also, one of these sisters is a pastry chef and her boyfriend is a sous chef, which means our Thanksgiving was ridiculous-good. I've never seen Zack and Ashton in so much pain from eating too much, and that's saying something since they eat too much on a regular basis.
For babies: cute and cuddly and life-giving (also, exhausting). Just try not to fall in love with this little man with those big-old eyes and receding hair-line.
For generations gathered around the table, consuming large amounts of turkey and stuffing and sweet potato casserole. Or just licking the marshmallows off the top.
For this little man and his special heart, for the ways he keeps me on my toes. In so many ways, he has changed my faith and life. And I am thankful beyond measure for every little beat of his unique heart.
I'm thankful for Jayci; and for the way she loves Jesus already, always wanting to write the memory verse on our chalkboard. Those letters. written steady by her little pink-nailed hand, they make me happy every time I see him.
One more thing I'm thankful for: All of you guys. Friends and relatives and strangers who gather here, and it feels a little like a big Thanksgiving table filled with abundance and delicious-ness. So thank you for showing up, for being a part, and for making my life a brighter place. For realz.