I am nearly giddy at the prospect of fall in Atlanta. I can feel it on the breeze and the leaves edged with hints of orange. October is nearly here, which means full-tilt fall.
Books I'm Into:
The Kite Runner
The Light Between Oceans - I liked this book but sweet heavens but it turned me into a hot-mess, as in I could-not-stop-all-of-the-crying.
The Cuckoo's Calling - This was a fun read, not life-changing or anything. But it kept me up turning pages, which I always count as a good quality in a book.
Currently Reading: The Orphan Master's Son
A few months ago, I wrote about my marriage and the hard slant of things. I haven't really updated yall on how things are going, and I get lots of emailed questions to that vein. Anyways, I've been pondering some things in my heart, and maybe one day will write more. But right now, Adam and I are reading together with some awesome folks from church Timothy Keller's The Meaning of Marriage
Reads from around the Internets that I'm into:
*In my honest moments, though, I’ll tell you that I’m a girl who can’t live without the left, the wind-stung face and the roar of third gear at it’s limit just before fourth while I laugh because no one can hear me. - The Left
*Childishly terrified of my calling, I have been trying for weeks now to unwrap myself still more from the dark days of this summer. Isn’t depression an ultimate self-awareness, a mind tangled inside itself so tightly that it can’t see out? This has been a season of unravelling from myself, and though I knew the unravelling was good, I was terrified. It’s hard to let go when you don’t know what you’re becoming. - Hair of the Dog*We may not get a why, but we know the how: together. Jesus is so good and He loves you. The sun will rise with healing in its wings, but until it does, may we all learn to be a soft place to fall, cushioning the blow of suffering until Jesus turns it all into glory. -Why does God Allow Pain and Suffering
*Also, I am considering joining in with the Nester's 31 days, which means writing every day in October. Last year I wrote about 31 Days of Margin (a topic I am clearly still re-visiting and re-learning). I have a topic that's been on my heart; however, I have planned nothing, I haven't made a button, and I am not sure I can find time to write for 31 days. For most bloggers, apparently, participating in 31 days is like an-actual-thing. As in, with promo videos and such. But I'm not much for planning ahead, it's something I should probably work on actually, so we will see (tonight or tomorrow I suppose) if I decide to jump in or not. Just keeping you on the edge of your seat.
Random things I'm also into:
* Underwater Sculpture (this is pretty darn amazing)
* This is my favorite. Seriously, I love Justin and Jimmy. And yes I obviously am on a first-name-basis.
*I'm pretty into macaroni and cheese (and anything involving cheese really), so I feel pretty excited that this is a thing. Too bad it's not in Atlanta.
Moments from our lives, which I'm obviously into: (via my instagram)