It's slightly ridiculous to me that it's already September. I mean, how did August disappear so quickly? Crazy-town. Related to how quickly time is moving, one of our boys has taken to asking me questions that involve the phrase, "so back in your day . . . ?" Which, obviously, makes me mostly irate and insistent that THIS IS STILL MY DAY.
Nevertheless, August has flown by, which means it's time again for me to share some things I'm into this month.
Some essays (and so forth) from around the web I've enjoyed the past couple weeks . . .A's for Everyone!
The Grace of the Short Life
For my Sons: On Depression
My posthumous advice for my daughter
Sweet Lorraine (good luck not crying)
Also I'm for sure into this. Any volunteers?
Adam took the kids to North Carolina this weekend (while I photographed a wedding), and I went and saw TWO movies in the theater. Which is quite a treat, especially since I actually really enjoyed both movies. My friends Danielle and Maddie and I took some of our boys to see Lee Daniel's The Butler (which made me cry obviously). And then I spent a rainy Sunday afternoon with my sister and Danielle (we hang out a lot ok?) watching The Way Way Back. They're both excellent and really different so I wont compare them, but I will say I enjoyed them both. Gosh but I'm brilliantly descriptive sometimes.
Speaking of my sister, she is an amazing pastry chef and even got interviewed for Atlanta Eats. I'm a proud big sister, obviously.
I'm also really into the first message in the Return to Eden series from Renovatus Church. I loved it, and may or may not have said "that's a good word" a few times out loud by myself in the car. Had to.
As far as books go for August, I finished And the Mountains Echoed
We are going to the CCDA conference in New Orleans next week, which I'm more-than-a-little excited about. Especially because one of the speakers is Father Gregory Boyle, who wrote one of my favorite books of all time (Tattoos on the Heart). The author of The New Jim Crow is speaking too. Great news.
I'm sure I'll share more about our time there, but just wanted y'all to know things might be quiet around here next week. In case you would worry about me. Which I'm sure y'all do when I dont post. Right?
Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is.
In the boredom and pain of it,
no less than in the excitement and gladness:
no less than in the excitement and gladness:
touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it,
because in the last analysis all moments are key moments,
and life itself is grace.