I'm just not sure it's possible for me to do a completely word-less post. Sorry.
I have been thinking about and mulling over and wrestling through lots of things these days, things I want to write about, but I can't quite find the words yet. Just know that someday, hopefully, I'll write something more eloquent and thought-out here. Today, however, is not that day. Which is funny, because I kind of thought it might be, seeing as I had an entire afternoon kid-and-husband-and-kiddo-free. It was so quiet, in fact, that I fell immediately asleep and accomplished none of the things I was hoping for. Oops.
Instead, I give you: a semi-short photo montage of our second week at camp . . .

Also, big thanks to everyone who already entered the giveaway for BooMama's book and Rolando's CD (ps - that's him performing at camp up there) . . . If you haven't entered yet, there's still time!
I have been thinking about and mulling over and wrestling through lots of things these days, things I want to write about, but I can't quite find the words yet. Just know that someday, hopefully, I'll write something more eloquent and thought-out here. Today, however, is not that day. Which is funny, because I kind of thought it might be, seeing as I had an entire afternoon kid-and-husband-and-kiddo-free. It was so quiet, in fact, that I fell immediately asleep and accomplished none of the things I was hoping for. Oops.
Instead, I give you: a semi-short photo montage of our second week at camp . . .
Also, big thanks to everyone who already entered the giveaway for BooMama's book and Rolando's CD (ps - that's him performing at camp up there) . . . If you haven't entered yet, there's still time!