Based on the fact that the last time I updated my 52 week project was 10 weeks ago, you might think I haven't been keeping up with it. You would, in fact, be partially right in this regard. See, I've been taking lots of pictures, just not paying attention to what week # it is. I mean, who knows what week it is? As it turns out, I preferred my 365 day project, even though it was technically "more work." At this point, however, I'm just going to stick it out and try and do better at keeping it up to date.
Also, this week at school is teacher appreciation week. And since I clearly cant say it better than Jen Hatmaker, I'll just echo what she said: Dear Teachers Everywhere. Jayci's school is doing an "around the world" theme for appreciation week, and Adam has embraced the whole thing whole-heartedly. In fact, he definitely made Jayci's teacher a tiramisu cake for Italy day. And it was delicious, beyond delicious really. I might have convinced him not to give her the WHOLE cake (sorry Kim!) Anyways, in case you want to make your own beautiful and delicious tiramisu cake, the recipe is from Smitten Kitchen right here (Adam's other favorite recipe source). However, I will warn you that the recipe has MANY more steps than any I would ever attempt. That said, my maximum number of recipe steps usually involve picking up the phone and calling for pizza.

Also, this week at school is teacher appreciation week. And since I clearly cant say it better than Jen Hatmaker, I'll just echo what she said: Dear Teachers Everywhere. Jayci's school is doing an "around the world" theme for appreciation week, and Adam has embraced the whole thing whole-heartedly. In fact, he definitely made Jayci's teacher a tiramisu cake for Italy day. And it was delicious, beyond delicious really. I might have convinced him not to give her the WHOLE cake (sorry Kim!) Anyways, in case you want to make your own beautiful and delicious tiramisu cake, the recipe is from Smitten Kitchen right here (Adam's other favorite recipe source). However, I will warn you that the recipe has MANY more steps than any I would ever attempt. That said, my maximum number of recipe steps usually involve picking up the phone and calling for pizza.