Some of my dear friends are getting married today. It is raining and thundering and cold and still, somehow, the perfect day for them to begin their journey as husband and wife. I'm sitting on the couch drinking tea and reading and thinking about how I can take good pictures for them in the rain without ruining my camera; which is, undoubtedly, my most expensive possession.
All of this is completely besides the point, my apologies. I realized the other day that some of my favorite posts are the ones by Sarah and Kristen where they share links and things they have been reading every week. I love finding new blogs, books, and authors. So I thought I'd share some of my favorite posts from the past week or so, in hopes that maybe you all will stumble onto something you love too.

To my Daughters/On Being Pretty from A Deeper Church
The Hardest Boy to Love at Flower Patch Farmgirl
And then the Conference Uninvited me to Speak by Jen Hatmaker
After Steubenville: 25 Things our Sons Need to Know About Manhood from Ann Voskamp
One Simple Captivating Song at Study in Brown
Come Weary by Addie Zierman
All of this is completely besides the point, my apologies. I realized the other day that some of my favorite posts are the ones by Sarah and Kristen where they share links and things they have been reading every week. I love finding new blogs, books, and authors. So I thought I'd share some of my favorite posts from the past week or so, in hopes that maybe you all will stumble onto something you love too.
To my Daughters/On Being Pretty from A Deeper Church
The Hardest Boy to Love at Flower Patch Farmgirl
And then the Conference Uninvited me to Speak by Jen Hatmaker
After Steubenville: 25 Things our Sons Need to Know About Manhood from Ann Voskamp
One Simple Captivating Song at Study in Brown
Come Weary by Addie Zierman
I shared a few weeks back a list of the books I've read in 2013 so far. I also just finished The 12 Tribes of Hattie, which was not my favorite book ever, but was kind of sadly reminiscent of some of the families we know and love. I'm currently reading Sparkly Green Earrings. I love it as much as I love Melanie's blog, which means I couldn't stop laughing loudly while Adam and I were on a Barnes and Noble date this week (which everyone knows are the best dates for the biggest hipsters and/or the old people who maybe cant stay awake for a movie after dinner).
This is what Caden does these days when you tell him to smile for the camera. Adorable and slightly creepy.