Updates, and a winner — Becca Stanley


I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

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Updates, and a winner

Not sure how it is possible that we are already three weeks into the new year. Alas, it is true; as evidenced by the fact that I'm ALREADY two weeks behind on my 52 week project. And I already had to resort to using an iphone shot for my 2nd week. I actually TRIED really hard to take this really cool picture, but failed miserably and all the ones I took were out-of-focus and just generally not good at all. Evidence that we all make mistakes, right? And that for every beautiful picture you see on here, I probably took seventy-five NOT beautiful ones to get it.

Anyways, just popping in with a quick life-in-2013 update for the Stanleys. Our basketball teams have started their season (go Anteaters!) Despite devastating losses for both U18 teams last night, the boys were in high spirits and wouldnt stop all-the-talking after the game last night. Adam is making them run tonight, however, as a result of all-the-unruly and all-the-trash-talking.

Side note: I'm pretty head-over-heels for all these boys. Even the worst of them, like this one. He's rotten, I tell you. And I love him.

I also got my Blurb book in the mail. It turned out beautifully and was so fun to see a whole year's worth of growth and crazy and fun in one place. Love.
That said, I'm determined to re-invigorate myself to be creative and work on my 52 week project. Starting now, because weeks 2 and 3 weren't my strongest. Whatevs.
Also, I have about twenty-seven different posts started and half-written and needing picture etc. I'm struggling with a weird case of writers-block or something. Want to read some things I wish I had written (or that I just loved reading)? I added links up on the right hand side of the blog (if you're reading in a reader, you'll have to click over to see them). Also, you could basically read anything that Shannan writes and know that I agree 100% and she said the things I've been trying to articulate, only she said them a million times better and braver than I could.

And this one from Jen Hatmaker. Preach.

Finally (finally!) here's the winner of the fabulous Owl Sign giveaway, selected via Rafflecopter magic, I literally have no idea how it works but it seems random to me :-) Congratulations to Lynn Brown! Erica and/or I will be in touch!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

In case you're having one of those days too
