This past weekend, our family had a little getaway to St. Simon's Island, which is about five hours from our house. What a fun treat it was to have our friend offer to let us use their beach house, on the orders that we ONLY take our family and not bring extra kids or more people we could minister to. It was a sweet time as a family of four, we played and slept (not a lot unfortunately) and ate and read and watched the Georgia game. Perfect.
We left after our flag football team's game on Thursday (yup, over a week ago - I'm slightly behind on blogging, as usual). Which meant we arrived at the beach house at approximately 3am. And our key didn't work to get in. By the team we had tried every single other key on the keyring multiple times on every door, it was nearing 3:30am and both kids were wide awake. Thankfully they were cheerful and Jayci kept telling us she would just use her finger to unlock the door while Caden clapped excitedly. We finally tried to sleep in the van in the driveway (classy right) in hopes that a neighbor would wake up soon and have a key. Or maybe that they would call the cops on the creepy family sleeping in the van and we could explain our plight. Sleeping in the van, however, was an epic disaster to say the least. And finally I cried some real tears and Adam relented and we slept for approximately four hours in the local Hampton Inn. Which, now that I think about it, might not have been the best investment since the kids woke up at 8am anyways. Thankfully, a neighbor did have a key. Which meant we were able to enjoy the rest of our week with relatively little drama. Unless you count all the ridiculous temper tantrums and tears from both children and possibly a little bit from me too. I mean, all I wanted was to read three or four books on my Kindle on the beach without being interrupted by silly things like changing Caden's diaper and stopping him from crawling/toddling into the waves. Oh I kid, but I definitely had to decide to change my expectations of "vacation" and recognize that our kids couldn't last much longer than an hour on the beach each day. And that I could have fun playing with my kids instead of just relaxing in the sun . . .

Caden did this with his hands the whole time he walked on the sand, he wasn't too sure about having sand everywhere.

We left after our flag football team's game on Thursday (yup, over a week ago - I'm slightly behind on blogging, as usual). Which meant we arrived at the beach house at approximately 3am. And our key didn't work to get in. By the team we had tried every single other key on the keyring multiple times on every door, it was nearing 3:30am and both kids were wide awake. Thankfully they were cheerful and Jayci kept telling us she would just use her finger to unlock the door while Caden clapped excitedly. We finally tried to sleep in the van in the driveway (classy right) in hopes that a neighbor would wake up soon and have a key. Or maybe that they would call the cops on the creepy family sleeping in the van and we could explain our plight. Sleeping in the van, however, was an epic disaster to say the least. And finally I cried some real tears and Adam relented and we slept for approximately four hours in the local Hampton Inn. Which, now that I think about it, might not have been the best investment since the kids woke up at 8am anyways. Thankfully, a neighbor did have a key. Which meant we were able to enjoy the rest of our week with relatively little drama. Unless you count all the ridiculous temper tantrums and tears from both children and possibly a little bit from me too. I mean, all I wanted was to read three or four books on my Kindle on the beach without being interrupted by silly things like changing Caden's diaper and stopping him from crawling/toddling into the waves. Oh I kid, but I definitely had to decide to change my expectations of "vacation" and recognize that our kids couldn't last much longer than an hour on the beach each day. And that I could have fun playing with my kids instead of just relaxing in the sun . . .
Caden did this with his hands the whole time he walked on the sand, he wasn't too sure about having sand everywhere.
It goes without saying that I took way too many pictures. And I might
be biased, but golly are my kids beautiful. Sometimes it takes looking
at them through the lens, through eyes choosing to really see, before I
remember how beautiful they are both inside and out. I am one lucky
momma y'all. Anyways, it was a fun weekend and we are so grateful for
all the ways people bless us and love us well on our journey.