

I'm so glad you found your way to my little corner of the neighborhood! Pull up a chair and stay, and let's chat about life on the margins and loving Jesus and, obviously, where to find the best cheese dip and most life-changing books. 

Caden's First Birthday Party

Don't say I didn't warn you that restraint is not my strong suit. That said, here are way too many pictures of Caden's celebration of his first year of life.
first birthday decorations colorful
Birthday Party Craft Hearts for babies in CICU
I put together all the emails and notes and cards and such that y'all sent Caden while he was in the hospital - and it filled 2 entire binders. Seriously, what a gift.
 Party decor, budvases, "beads of courage"
Fabric Garland, party decor rainbow garland
heart-shaped ainbow cake first birthday party
Soho budvases Accent Decor Colorful
First birthday party guests
grandma reading book to girls
slice of rainbow 6-layer birthday cake
colorful birthday cake 6 layer
heart-shaped birthday cake with name topper
colorful balloons at The Stanley Clan
colorful budvases with gerber daisies
fabric heart baby mobile
first birthday party
cornhole birthday party atlanta inner-city ministry
And lest you get any inkling that I might have things pulled together and be able to "do it all," let me paint this scene for you. It's cake time, only Caden wont eat cake (or anything) so we were going to try and let him have a little homemade icecream. We put him in his high chair, which he was NOT happy about. Adding the hat really made him angry. I caught the split second on camera where he wasnt screaming and ripping off the hat. I even considered for a minute just posting that picture and letting y'all believe the best about my well-behaved child and perfectly put together party. But y'all know me better than that, right? 
Not to mention that at the same time Caden was freaking out, Jayci pushed her friend off the picnic table, breaking all our plates because I obviously hadn't planned ahead enough to get enough paper plates for both food AND cake for everyone. So both Jayci and her friend are screaming, there are smashed plates everywhere and all the kiddos are trying to cheer Caden up because he's also desperately screaming in his high chair. All I could do at that point was throw up my hands and yell "party!" I solve problems well, yall. Or maybe I let my guests pick up the plate pieces and left the kiddos to cheer Caden up while I took pictures of it all.
(Meg, I apologize for posting a picture of your rear-end, but it's just so darn cute.) 

Mason jar colorful paper straw
Baby colorful heart mobile
For those who are wondering, I made the fabric garland, hat, mobile, cake-topper, and signage myself.
Budvases are from Accent Decor, Inc
Colorful straws are from Pretty Sweet Stuff
All other paper goods etc are from Target
Caden's "1" shirt is from The Beehive

Glamour Magazine and a 10 year reunion

Caden's Surgery, One Year Ago