Monday morning comes quick these days, doesn't it? Actually every morning comes far too quickly - before I've had anywhere near enough sleep to face it . . . And we're about to leave to go to Caden's doctor's appointment. It's just a routine pediatrician this time, next week he goes back to the cardiologist. It's actually his two month check-up. Which seems absolutely insane, I cannot even begin to fathom that he's already two months old!

Friday night we ate dinner (Mexican - hooray for tacos and cheese dip!) with my parents and sisters. And then came back here and sat out on the front porch. Oh how I love people-watching. Too bad it's getting quieter on our corner these days now that it's getting colder.
Saturday, we went to Sabo's football game. Granted, we were there about an hour late and only caught the last twenty minutes. But welcome to our lives, it's LIT-RALLY impossible for us to get anywhere on time. Ever. However, it was totally worth the $20 admission for Sabo to know that we cared enough to be there. And also to see Jayci dancing and cheering for Sabo. And also to see our little buddy in his sweet hat. I'm loving this colder weather.

Friday night we ate dinner (Mexican - hooray for tacos and cheese dip!) with my parents and sisters. And then came back here and sat out on the front porch. Oh how I love people-watching. Too bad it's getting quieter on our corner these days now that it's getting colder.
Saturday, we went to Sabo's football game. Granted, we were there about an hour late and only caught the last twenty minutes. But welcome to our lives, it's LIT-RALLY impossible for us to get anywhere on time. Ever. However, it was totally worth the $20 admission for Sabo to know that we cared enough to be there. And also to see Jayci dancing and cheering for Sabo. And also to see our little buddy in his sweet hat. I'm loving this colder weather.
Sunday we went to church, picked up Jayci, and then went to church again (church dinner). It was a great day and a wonderful weekend. In between all of those things, we hung out with kiddos on the porch, enjoyed the cooler weather, and watched some episodes of The Wire. We're crazy like that.
Speaking of crazy (and I mean seriously crazy), it turns out that someone is pretending to be me on facebook. Like posting pictures of my kids, copying my status updates and everything. It gives me the heebie jeebies. Ick. I cant imagine why anyone would ever do anything like that. And particularly, why anyone would pretend to be ME. Weird.