I realize one would normally try to post a weekend recap on Monday, but just go ahead as anyone we know how often Adam and I are on time for anything. Let's just say it's a rare occurrence.
Both my grandfather and Adams grandparents were visiting from out of town this weekend, and none of them had met Caden yet. So our weekend consisted of much family time and plenty of gushing over how adorable and perfect our little man is. Not that we can blame them, cause we totally agree.
Thursday we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with my family, which is also known as a good excuse to eat an excessively large turkey dinner. Complete with maple pumpkin pie with cinnamon whipped cream, made by my pastry chef sister. Yes please.

Friday we headed up to Marietta to see Adam's grandparents. His grandmother made Jayci this beautiful quilt - I love it!
Saturday we trekked to the farm for my friend Megan's little girl's fourth birthday party. She is so creative and I knew it would be adorable but it really was just perfect. Jayci rode a horse, petted donkeys, and even milked a goat! The goat also ate her hat. Which is seriously unfortunate.
Sunday we picked up Zack and went to church and then headed back to Marietta for some more time with Adam's grandparents before they left. And y'all, I could have died at how sweet Zack was with Caden. And Jayci even told her sunday school teacher that she had three brothers and two were older than her. So we're guessing she meant Zack and Sabo, which just melts my heart.
So that about sums up the weekend. However, there were a few more points of interest from the weekend that I feel the need to share:
1-I finally cleaned out the car. Thanks to my brother-in-law Hash, I realized it was time to stop complaining about it on twitter and facebook and just clean it already. Well, that and Zack didnt have any room to sit in the car because of the various dirty dishes. And I kid you not, I pulled nearly two loads of laundry out of that thing. Which really stinks because it means now I have to do laundry.
2-The house next door to us is being renovated (by the same investor who owned our house). They work on it only sporadically, and the dumpster outside has been full for quite some time now. The past few days, we have been noticing that it's become especially stinky, and surrounded by flies. We've been watching The Wire, so that we have been joking that there are probably dead bodies inside. haha. Except the other day, Adam was teasing some teenage boys walking past about how bad they smelled, and they said "naw, that's the dead dog in there." Turns out that the dumpster next to our house is, in fact, the burial ground for Zeus, the extraordinarily large dead pitbull.We called the city and they were supposed to come pick it up today, but you know how that goes . . . the dumpster (and the dead dog) are still here.
Both my grandfather and Adams grandparents were visiting from out of town this weekend, and none of them had met Caden yet. So our weekend consisted of much family time and plenty of gushing over how adorable and perfect our little man is. Not that we can blame them, cause we totally agree.
Thursday we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with my family, which is also known as a good excuse to eat an excessively large turkey dinner. Complete with maple pumpkin pie with cinnamon whipped cream, made by my pastry chef sister. Yes please.
Friday we headed up to Marietta to see Adam's grandparents. His grandmother made Jayci this beautiful quilt - I love it!
Saturday we trekked to the farm for my friend Megan's little girl's fourth birthday party. She is so creative and I knew it would be adorable but it really was just perfect. Jayci rode a horse, petted donkeys, and even milked a goat! The goat also ate her hat. Which is seriously unfortunate.
Sunday we picked up Zack and went to church and then headed back to Marietta for some more time with Adam's grandparents before they left. And y'all, I could have died at how sweet Zack was with Caden. And Jayci even told her sunday school teacher that she had three brothers and two were older than her. So we're guessing she meant Zack and Sabo, which just melts my heart.
So that about sums up the weekend. However, there were a few more points of interest from the weekend that I feel the need to share:
1-I finally cleaned out the car. Thanks to my brother-in-law Hash, I realized it was time to stop complaining about it on twitter and facebook and just clean it already. Well, that and Zack didnt have any room to sit in the car because of the various dirty dishes. And I kid you not, I pulled nearly two loads of laundry out of that thing. Which really stinks because it means now I have to do laundry.
2-The house next door to us is being renovated (by the same investor who owned our house). They work on it only sporadically, and the dumpster outside has been full for quite some time now. The past few days, we have been noticing that it's become especially stinky, and surrounded by flies. We've been watching The Wire, so that we have been joking that there are probably dead bodies inside. haha. Except the other day, Adam was teasing some teenage boys walking past about how bad they smelled, and they said "naw, that's the dead dog in there." Turns out that the dumpster next to our house is, in fact, the burial ground for Zeus, the extraordinarily large dead pitbull.We called the city and they were supposed to come pick it up today, but you know how that goes . . . the dumpster (and the dead dog) are still here.