Seeing my two babies together is one of the truest joys of my life these days. And yes, I realize that my daughter isn't necessarily a "baby" anymore. But to me she always will be. Poor girl.
I wanted to remember a few of the sweet things that Jayci does and says when she's interacting with Caden. One day, I want Caden to know how much his big sister adored him.
Every time Caden cries (which is currently not very often, but increases in frequency the stronger he gets), Jayci says "maybe he needs his big sister." And then she rushes to his side to give him his pacifier, or to reassure him or gently kiss his forehead. SO cute!

Individually, I love my sweet children more than I even thought possible. But together? It's almost more than my heart can bear.
Truly, watching my children together is a beautiful gift. And because of everything that we went through with Caden, I am even more deeply aware of just how precious this gift really is.
Also, she uses the most hilarious high-pitched voice when she talks to him. Which I'm pretty sure she has come up with by trying to mimic me. So let's just pretend I don't sound quite asridiculous adorable as she does. (In case you cant understand very high pitched voices, she's saying "hi buddy boy").
I wanted to remember a few of the sweet things that Jayci does and says when she's interacting with Caden. One day, I want Caden to know how much his big sister adored him.
Every time Caden cries (which is currently not very often, but increases in frequency the stronger he gets), Jayci says "maybe he needs his big sister." And then she rushes to his side to give him his pacifier, or to reassure him or gently kiss his forehead. SO cute!
Jayci always tells me she's going to "check on Caden" when he's in his bed or swing. And whenever she comes up to one of us holding him or sitting near him, she says "will you tell him his big sister is here?" Actually, she makes us relay messages to him on a regular basis, and no matter how many times I try to remind her she can tell him herself, she would still rather us inform him of what she's doing.
"Will you tell brother his big sister got him his monkey?"
"Tell brother Jayci is giving him a kiss"
"Tell brother I'm going to teach him how to smile . . . "
She loves to kiss and hug her brother, and hold him. And she reminds every one of the kiddos who comes into the house that they need to wash their hands first before they touch her little brother. In fact, every single morning she runs into the bathroom and tells me she's going to wash her hands to make the germs go away so she can hold brother. She's far more responsible than I was at age 3 (or even last week), that's for sure.Individually, I love my sweet children more than I even thought possible. But together? It's almost more than my heart can bear.
Truly, watching my children together is a beautiful gift. And because of everything that we went through with Caden, I am even more deeply aware of just how precious this gift really is.
Also, she uses the most hilarious high-pitched voice when she talks to him. Which I'm pretty sure she has come up with by trying to mimic me. So let's just pretend I don't sound quite as
Big Sister from Becca Stanley on Vimeo.