Our new home now borders on chaotic pretty much constantly. On top of Adam and I, our two roomies (have I told you about them yet?), our sweet dog, a busy three year old, and a time-demanding one month old, we also tend to have at least three or four neighborhood kids visiting and playing spoons, working on homework, eating up all our food, and so on and so forth . . . Currently there are six kids here. Correction, now there's eight. Make that 12. Ok I lost count, and I should go help because one of our dining room chairs just broke.
Ok I'm back, and ready to tell y'all about our weekend. It was a good one, albeit with a strong theme of "slighty chaotic" running through it.
First of all, we got Jayci a sweet new Barbie bike from the Beltline Bike Shop for her birthday. She loves it, and who wouldn't?
Friday night we had one of our favorite families over for dinner with the goal of eating, chatting, hanging out, and catching up on the funny television that premiered this week (Modern Family and Parks and Rec? Yes please). A wrench got thrown in our plans when the mom of the15 year old I told y'all about showed up with her 6 other kids and told us that her daughter had her baby and she needed us to take her to the hospital to see her. Her water broke at school and they rushed her to the hospital to have an emergency c-section because the cord was prolapsed. Slight panic ensued as we scrambled to get ready to leave the house, figure out where the kiddos were going to go etc while we went to the hospital. We got to see sweet baby and his momma. They are both doing well, but honestly my heart is a little stressed and worried and not sure what the next step looks like in this journey. I dont know what God would have us do to help and how He's going to make beauty from this. I trust completely that He will redeem it, but it's hard for me to see right now how this fifteen year old can possibly care for her baby well . . . Not to mention that the baby is in the NICU and it brought back so many hard memories and emotions when I walked through there. I had tears from the first moment when we had to scrub our hands. I remembered how raw my hands were from the constant scrubbing when we were visiting Caden in the CICU.

And yet, I was reminded yet again of how we serve the "God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." And I am amazed yet again at the ways God is using our story with Caden to further our ministry and to love those around us well. Please keep praying for this sweet girl and her baby. And for wisdom and discernment for us, and how we can help.
Unfortunately after I came home from the hospital I thought a delicious iced coffee would be a great plan, and subsequently I ended up staying awake (OH SO WIDE WIDE AWAKE) until 4am. Meaning I got about 2 total hours of sleep, which was just delightful.
Saturday I went to some garage sales and scored a double jogging stroller. Now let me clarify that I certainly don't jog, or run, or really even walk beyond leisurely strolls through the neighborhood. Adam, however, can run for hours at a time. And I've realized that the time he's gone can be turned into some fabulous alone time if he can take both the kids with him. Booyah.
Then Adam's parents came over and babysat Caden and Jayci so Adam and I could have a chance to spend some time together. They took a CPR class at the hospital, and now that he's off his feeding tube, we felt like we were finally comfortable leaving him for a few hours so we could recharge and reconnect. We ate some delicious Mexican food (hello cheese dip, how I've missed you . . . ) and then went and saw Contagion.
Saturday night was game night with the neighborhood kids, and Adam played at the park with them while Danielle made buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese (hands down best meal ever). Our friends stopped by again (they clearly can't stay away from the joyful chaos that is our house) and we played spoons and hung out for a little while until the kids left and we fell into a dead sleep (for a few hours at least until we had to wake up and feed Caden again).
Sunday we took Caden to church for the first time. We were clearly feeling ambitious this weekend with the outings.
After church, a sweet friend brought us dinner. And let me just tell y'all, that casserole was like the loaves and fish because we ended up with the aforementioned 15 kids at our house for dinner time. And now we need to have a family meeting to evaluate our house rules and boundaries and "how the heck can we fit such large quantities of children in our house without anyone getting seriously injured?" . . .
Ok I'm back, and ready to tell y'all about our weekend. It was a good one, albeit with a strong theme of "slighty chaotic" running through it.
First of all, we got Jayci a sweet new Barbie bike from the Beltline Bike Shop for her birthday. She loves it, and who wouldn't?
Friday night we had one of our favorite families over for dinner with the goal of eating, chatting, hanging out, and catching up on the funny television that premiered this week (Modern Family and Parks and Rec? Yes please). A wrench got thrown in our plans when the mom of the15 year old I told y'all about showed up with her 6 other kids and told us that her daughter had her baby and she needed us to take her to the hospital to see her. Her water broke at school and they rushed her to the hospital to have an emergency c-section because the cord was prolapsed. Slight panic ensued as we scrambled to get ready to leave the house, figure out where the kiddos were going to go etc while we went to the hospital. We got to see sweet baby and his momma. They are both doing well, but honestly my heart is a little stressed and worried and not sure what the next step looks like in this journey. I dont know what God would have us do to help and how He's going to make beauty from this. I trust completely that He will redeem it, but it's hard for me to see right now how this fifteen year old can possibly care for her baby well . . . Not to mention that the baby is in the NICU and it brought back so many hard memories and emotions when I walked through there. I had tears from the first moment when we had to scrub our hands. I remembered how raw my hands were from the constant scrubbing when we were visiting Caden in the CICU.
And yet, I was reminded yet again of how we serve the "God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." And I am amazed yet again at the ways God is using our story with Caden to further our ministry and to love those around us well. Please keep praying for this sweet girl and her baby. And for wisdom and discernment for us, and how we can help.
Unfortunately after I came home from the hospital I thought a delicious iced coffee would be a great plan, and subsequently I ended up staying awake (OH SO WIDE WIDE AWAKE) until 4am. Meaning I got about 2 total hours of sleep, which was just delightful.
Saturday I went to some garage sales and scored a double jogging stroller. Now let me clarify that I certainly don't jog, or run, or really even walk beyond leisurely strolls through the neighborhood. Adam, however, can run for hours at a time. And I've realized that the time he's gone can be turned into some fabulous alone time if he can take both the kids with him. Booyah.
Then Adam's parents came over and babysat Caden and Jayci so Adam and I could have a chance to spend some time together. They took a CPR class at the hospital, and now that he's off his feeding tube, we felt like we were finally comfortable leaving him for a few hours so we could recharge and reconnect. We ate some delicious Mexican food (hello cheese dip, how I've missed you . . . ) and then went and saw Contagion.
Saturday night was game night with the neighborhood kids, and Adam played at the park with them while Danielle made buffalo chicken macaroni and cheese (hands down best meal ever). Our friends stopped by again (they clearly can't stay away from the joyful chaos that is our house) and we played spoons and hung out for a little while until the kids left and we fell into a dead sleep (for a few hours at least until we had to wake up and feed Caden again).
Sunday we took Caden to church for the first time. We were clearly feeling ambitious this weekend with the outings.
After church, a sweet friend brought us dinner. And let me just tell y'all, that casserole was like the loaves and fish because we ended up with the aforementioned 15 kids at our house for dinner time. And now we need to have a family meeting to evaluate our house rules and boundaries and "how the heck can we fit such large quantities of children in our house without anyone getting seriously injured?" . . .